Referendums on Transportation Projects a Bad Idea

Recent Vancourier article with the Vancouver Mayor Robertson about the BC liberals idea of a transit referendum.  I agree that a referendum would be a bad idea that would stall progress on transit expansion to benefit a relative few.  Where is the scrutiny of large roadway infrastructure projects?  Why can we not put a moratorium of road projects for a few years to get multiple much needed transit projects done and then gauge the roadway requirements based on the congestion relief that the new transit improvements brought?  Provincial and federal governments also need to provide municipalities and regions with more control and stable funding for transit projects.  We need to make transit an election issue due to its importance to city economies and functionality.

“It’s ridiculous to put major projects before referendum,” the mayor told the Courier. “We haven’t done that with any recent major projects — from B.C. Place to the Port Mann Bridge. We need to get going on these transit projects. They’re big investments but we have consensus among mayors across the region — directly elected to represent our communities.”



Road pricing, a vehicle levy, property taxes and the carbon tax are among sources discussed publicly by various mayors, including Robertson, who said the mayors need “a stronger voice” in the governance of TransLink to set transit priorities.

“If we take years to do referendums and second guess the needs on the ground, that does not serve our city,” said the mayor, pointing to California where referendums have paralyzed projects.

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