Monthly Archives: March 2013

Open Letter to Edmonton City Councillors Re: Cycling Lanes

Hello All,

I would like to share with you some information below which will provide you all the information concerning how cycling investments are good for everyone in a city and not just cyclists.  By providing safe dedicated right of way cycling infrastructure you will see an increase the number of cyclists which actually will take vehicles off the road and make traffic better for drivers.  It is shown that cyclists and pedestrians actually spend more than motorists.  Not only this but it has been shown that just like transit investments that cycling investments increase the property values of nearby homes.  So this means that a bicycle lane is a better investment than a lane of parking.  On top of this you can get 600 miles of cycling lanes for the cost of 1 mile of vehicular lanes.  
That seems like a pretty good investment to me as summarized below:
1. Businesses make more money because overall cyclists spend more than drivers
2. Drivers get more room on the road because there are more people cycling
3. The city would spend less money on road repair, as cycling infrastructure requires less maintenance
4. You can get more bang for your buck with a 600 to 1 mile ratio
5. The image of Edmonton looks much better internationally since we have safe places for cyclist to coexist with motor vehicles and avoid the bad publicity of unnecessary deaths like Isaac Kornelson on Whyte Avenue.  
6.  Home owners see an improvement in their property values.
7. By investing in cycling infrastructure we make it more affordable for people to get around the city.  It is estimated to cost $9500/year to own and operate a vehicle.
8.Young people and old alike want a safe and affordable way to get around the city and if Edmonton is not willing to invest the small amount that it takes to get this done you will risk losing people to more progressive places like London.  (London just recently announced a $1 billion pound investment into cycling infrastructure, where as we are talking about $1 million investment a year.  Please see the link.
Please remember cycling infrastructure should be built such that women aged 8 to 80 will feel comfortable.  Please I encourage you to look at the facts and invest properly in cycling infrastructure by providing separated cycling lanes which are shown to have the highest impact at attracting the women aged 8 to 80 years.
Thank You
Darren Proulx
Edmonton AB, T5Y2S6